Social enterprises for an inclusive labor market
Finally getting a job can make the difference between languishing or thriving. Between feeling useless or fully participating in society. That’s why we’re assisting people in the Netherlands who have trouble finding suitable work. We are doing this by helping to strengthen social enterprises. Because the more successful these enterprises are, the more people they will be able to employ.
What is the problem?
No fewer than 1.5 million people in the Netherlands find themselves marginalized by the labor market. They are desperate for an opportunity to work and to deploy their talents. But the job opportunities for them are few and far between, due to a disability, long-term unemployment or lack of qualifications. Yet these people have so much to offer society.
What is the solution?
Social enterprises play the leading role in helping these people participate fully once more. Using creative methods, these enterprises eliminate obstacles and help people into jobs that suit them. And that makes a world of difference. A regular income, a sense of value, development opportunities and daily social contact are the building blocks for a happy life.
How is Rabo Foundation helping?
Our mission is essentially about offering fair chances to achieve economic self-reliance. These opportunities are created by social enterprises, who recognize this social challenge and want to help tackle it. They are making our society more inclusive and strengthening our (aging) labor market. That’s why we believe social enterprises are setting a new standard and inspiring companies everywhere. This is how we share this inspiration.

Impactsurvey 2023
As an impact financier, we are closely involved with our social entrepreneurs, and they can count on our support. We share current insights, such as the conclusions from our annual impact survey. Read here about what social entrepreneurs achieved in the Netherlands in 2023. Gain insights into their results, challenges, and the role that Rabo Foundation played.
Read our stories
Together with these entrepreneurs, we are building a society in which everyone can participate.
Start making an impact
As a social entrepreneur, do you contribute to an inclusive labor market in the Netherlands? See if we can do something for each other.