Can we help you?
If you have any questions about our projects or your donation or need help submitting an application, check if your answer is listed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Alternatively, you can also leave us a message.
Frequently Asked Questions
After completing this quick scan, you will be directed to our application form. Once you have completed this form, our program managers will get to work, reviewing your application and deciding if there are opportunities for cooperation.
In 2021, we invested a total of €40.7 million in 400 organizations, ranging from producers’ cooperatives in Africa to social enterprises in the Netherlands. Our Annual Impact Report 2021 details how these funds and the various projects are spread around the world.
We use various types of funding, the main one of which are loans. We favor loans because they help people achieve economic independence more quickly due to the fact that loans promote personal responsibility. We reallocate the loan repayments so we can fund a larger number of organizations on an annual basis. We also provide funding in the form of donations, technical support, guarantees (mainly in India) and trade financing.
Rabo Foundation was established in 1974 as Rabobank’s social fund. Since our inception, we have been receiving annual contributions from Rabobank, its employees and customers in the form of donations of all sizes. We are also using Rabobank’s knowhow and network to add more value for our project partners. Rabo Foundation is not part of Rabobank in a legal sense.
The donations are allocated to value-based organizations who create opportunities for people to increase their economic independence, including agricultural cooperatives in which smallholder farmers unite to strengthen their position and bargain for fairer prices. We also support social enterprises committed to finding employment for motivated but disadvantaged job seekers.
Your (one-off, monthly or annual) donation will be divided over all our projects, so it’s spent where it is most needed at that moment. In our annual report you can read more about how the donations have been spent in recent years. And we keep this page up to date with actual stories about the impact of your donation.
Send us a message
If your question is not included in the Frequently Asked Questions or if you have ideas or suggestions you would like to share with us, leave us a message!
More information about us
Croeselaan 18
NL-3521 CB Utrecht, the Netherlands
Postbus 17100 (UC 079)
NL-3500 HG Utrecht, the Netherlands
Whenever we’re looking for new talent, we post the vacancies on rabobank.jobs
Journalists and editors can get in touch with us by using the contact form. For questions about Rabo Foundation and its projects and activities, check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Rabo Foundation has been classified by the Dutch Tax and Customs Organization (Belastingdienst) as a Public Benefit Organization (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling/ANBI).
RSIN number (Dutch identification number for legal entities and partnerships): 812992003.
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By reading our stories on how we impact the world and tips on how you can make a difference yourself.
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