Systematic Internaliser
Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. acts in the capacity of a Systematic Internaliser for all bonds and Stuctured Finance Products financial instruments traded per January 3rd, 2018.
Rabobank’s activities
Since February 19th, 2018, Rabobank also acts as SI for all Foreign Exchange Derivatives and Interest Rate Derivatives (please also see the added schema below). This implies Rabobank will publish applicable quotes through its APA as they may have been provided to you as our client or counterparty, as part of the pre-trade transparency framework under MiFID II. Our selected APA is Bloomberg. Equally, please note that our status as a Systematic Internaliser implies that the bank will be publishing trade reports through the Trax APA as of January 2021, where applicable and subject to the relevant deferrals and decision logic. Such publications form part of the applicable obligations under the post-trade transparency framework under MiFID II.
The quotes will be published on “RABO” page on Bloomberg under the head “Pre-trade Transparency Prices”. Access to the quotes published under pre-trade transparency obligations is based on enablement. Interested parties may contact us via the following email address: MiFID SI Quote Access For identification, please use “Request Quote Access” followed by your Bloomberg UUID as header of the email. The data provided to us will be shared with Bloomberg.
Rabobank’s activities as an SI are subject to the SI Commercial Policy as updated from time to time.
Will Rabobank offer Assisted Reporting?
In respect of all post-trade transparency reporting obligations, Rabobank can provide assisted reporting for trades between Rabobank and its counterparties for those asset classes in which Rabobank is not an SI. We will offer the assisted reporting only in combination with our selected post-trade transparency APA (Trax). We do not offer assisted reporting for transaction reporting. Please reach out to your regular sales contact in case you wish to use this service.
Will client orders be executed only against own book?
No, client orders may also be executed on trading venues (regulated markets, OTF or MTF).