Information LEI code
As far as not already required under EMIR, all legal entities obtaining MiFID products or services will need a LEI to comply with reporting obligations under MiFID II. The LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is a globally acknowledged code which will make it possible for regulators to identify different counterparties for a transaction globally.
In order to increase transparency in financial markets, a LEI system was created by the G-20 in cooperation with the Financial Stability Board. This system makes it possible to identify the contracting parties to financial market transactions worldwide and make it easier for regulators to recognise possible systemic risks at an early stage. Clients can obtain a LEI from LEI issuing organisations, also called Local Operating Units (LOUs). The Chamber of Commerce issues LEIs in the Netherlands. The following website allows you to register for a LEI.
LEI for EEA Clients outside the Netherlands
Outside the Netherlands a number of LEI issuing organisations, will become or are already available. A list of LOUs is available via link below.
For more information or guidance regarding LEI, please visit the Global Markets Entity Identifier (GMEI) Utility website or approach your local regulator.