SWIFT for Corporates
SWIFT for Corporates enables corporate companies to exchange financial information, such as payments, securities and reporting, with all their financial institutions.
One multibank connection
“Rabobank and SWIFT: worldwide standard in exchanging financial data”
A multibank connection is made to one highly secure, standardized communication platform, as opposed to multiple connections. SWIFT is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, a member-owned cooperative through which the financial world conducts its business operations with speed, certainty and confidence.
More than 10,000 banking organisations, securities institutions and corporate customers in 212 countries trust it every day to exchange millions of standardised financial messages.
Rabobank offers corporates using SWIFT a global visibility on their cash. SWIFT enables them to manage risks, reduce costs and also speed up transaction processing times sustainably.
Test files and messages
Rabobank also offers you the ability to test your own files and/or messages in the SWIFT MyStandards Readiness Portal. Comparing your formats with the Rabobank formats before setting up the Rabobank connection, will save you time and effort.
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Our offer
Rabobank supports liquidity management via SWIFT FIN and cash management via SWIFT Fileact. In addition, FX messages via SWIFT are also supported by Rabobank. We allow corporates to exchange treasury deals confirmations with Rabobank via SWIFT, for example spots, forwards, currency options and money markets. Rabobank's offering is compliant with SWIFT SCORE (Standardised Corporate Environment) standards. Rabobank’s staff supporting SWIFT for Corporates is certified by SWIFT.