Senior gardener gardening in his permaculture garden - harvesting carrots

Rabobank Argentina

Rabobank is present in Argentina via a representative office registered with the Central Bank of Argentina.

Food & Agribusiness

Rabobank Group provides the local food and agribusiness (F&A) market with products, services and flexible solutions offered globally by the bank. Our employees fully understand the local market and are therefore able to assist big and small players so that they can enter into relevant transactions that support their financial objectives. The Rabobank Group, with its strong focus on the food and agribusiness, is a unique partner in promoting Argentina’s efficient and growing agribusiness economy and its players.


Rabobank International Argentina

Office Address:

Av. Presidente Manuel Quintana 160,
C1014ACO Buenos Aires

Telephone: +.54.11.4515.5500
Fax: +.54.11.4515.5582