Working towards 35 Years of Growth and Impact in Emerging Markets
Rabo Partnerships has always been at the forefront of scaling solutions to drive impact in food and financial systems by utilizing the knowledge, networks and financial strength of Rabobank. It is with great I pleasure that we present our latest impact report to you, this year in a new format.
We continue to highlight our key figures from 2023 and showcase how our partners in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America progressed and interacted with colleagues from all over the globe. The new format will bring our work to life in new ways, as it allows you to engage with videos featuring our colleagues.

Rabo Partnerships:
Improving access to financial services for the Food & Agriculture sector and the rural population
We offer solutions to Financial Institutions (FI’s) in emerging markets to support them in their efforts to provide financial services to the underserved Food & Agriculture sector and to rural communities. Solutions include capital through equity investments, advisory & venturing and blended finance. We strive to offer a synergetic combination of these solutions, aiming to create a more enabling financial ecosystem for the FI and its borrowers.

Our Key Partner Data
We work with many institutions throughout the world to drive impact in food and financial systems. Our main partners are financial institutions (FI’s) in emerging markets. The data reflect our activities related to these partnerships and the total outreach of our financial institution partners in the Food & Agricultural sector. Please note these are all non-audited figures.
Number of FI partners in which we (directly or indirectly) invest and/or which we support through advisory
FI partners:
Number of countries we are active in
Number of customers having a bank account with one of our direct FI partners
Number of farmers reached through one of our partners, ventures or through other activities
Total loans from direct FI partners to the Food & Agriculture sector
* of which 4 million are smallholder farmers.
Advisory, Inclusive Business Venturing and Smallholder Ecosystems team
Rabo Partnerships offers advisory services and inclusive business ventures solutions to support financial institution partners in emerging markets. Our longstanding relationships with our Partner banks bring about amazing results. Please read the story on NBS Malawi, where knowledge and training is combined with funding from impact lenders, all ingredients to enable financial solutions for the underserved food & agricultural sector in Malawi.
To reach the smallest farmers, digital tools are key. Rabo Partnerships is developing data driven solutions that enable banks to reduce costs and risks of serving small scale farmers, such as a market place, credit scoring, loan monitoring based on remote sensing and marketing tools. Coop Bank Ethiopia, who has similar cooperative roots as Rabobank, aims to reach an additional 3 million farmers in the next 3 years. Read all about their ambition and how Rabo Partnerships will support them in this (digital) journey.

Rabo consultants active in assignments
Annual Future Leadership participants
Smallholder farmers reached by our partners, ventures or through other activities
Rabo Partnerships is an equity investor in multiple (non-)financial institutions in LATAM, Sub-Saharan Africa and India. We are a patient capital provider that supports its investees with a focus on impact and return. We have recently diversified our exposure by adding tech-driven NBFIs that are aligned strategically with a focus on scalable impact through digital solutions. Read all about our equity investment in Avanti last year.

Total Rabo Partnerships investment portfolio in emerging markets
Arise investment
Investments in India (Avanti + Kaleidofin) by RP in 2023/2024
Blended finance
Rabo Partnerships develops scalable Impact finance solutions that allow commercial banks, whether Rabobank or our Partnerbanks, to move beyond business as usual by blending public and private capital. For example, the AGRI3 fund is a blended finance vehicle set up to mobilize capital at scale to support sustainable agriculture and combat deforestation. The impact story on Agro Sao Jose shows how collaboration between commercial banks and impact funds can unlock capital to support farmers in their sustainable transition journey.

Capital mobilized through blended solutions creating E&S impact (until YE 2023)
Number of hectares of natural ecosystems (e.g. forests) under management for protection
Agricultural area brought under sustainable management
Impact stories
Discover in four impact stories, how Rabo Partnerships contributes to innovations and developments in finance for its partner financial institution in emerging markets, with a strong focus on the Food & Agricultural sector, furthering the transition of Food systems and access to finance for smallholders and the rural population in general.

Future Leadership Program of Rabo Partnerships
Interview with former participant Dayane Scopel Ferrazza of Banco Sicredi, Brazil
As Rabo Partnerships we enable partners in emerging markets to offer inclusive financial services that will impact rural livelihoods, F&A finance and profitability. Our enables are: knowledge, network, finance & innovation. We act upon our enablers by organizing a Future Leadership Program each year. In 2024, 14 participants from 9 different Financial Institutions participated for this immersive 8-week program in Utrecht. One of the participants this year was Dayane Scopel Ferrazza of Banco Sicredi, a partner bank from Brazil. Below she will share her experience of the program.
Read the full interviewImpact Stories of Rabo Partnerships colleagues
In these videos, our colleagues explain what they do and how their work at Rabo Partnerships contributes to innovations and developments in finance for their partners in emerging markets.

Africast, Episode 85
– a podcast in Dutch about the digitization of agriculture in Africa.
Featuring Madelon Pfeiffer, Senior Project Manager at Rabo Partnerships
Agriculture is as old as the road to Rome. Even older. For thousands of years, agriculture has been successfully practiced. Agriculture allowed people to settle in one place and do other things, such as carpentry, pottery, and, as we do, podcasting about Africa.
In this podcast they will talk about the fourth agricultural revolution taking place in Africa: the digitization of agriculture. Our colleague Madelon Pfeiffer explains what this digital revolution means, what it solves, and who is working on it.
Listen to the podcast (in Dutch)