
Sustainable funding instruments

Rabobank has a Sustainable Funding Framework (the “Framework”) in place under which it can issue "green" instruments in various formats, including covered bonds, unsecured senior bonds, subordinated bonds, commercial paper, certificates of deposit and wholesale deposits. At Rabobank, sustainability is an integral part of its corporate mission: “Growing a better world together”. This Framework is the result of the bank's ongoing efforts to link sustainability with the way the bank is funded.

Sustainable Funding Framework

The most recent Framework was published in May 2023. This Framework has been simplified and aims to reflect the latest market standards. In comparison to the sustainable funding framework as published in 2021, the 2023 Framework is no longer structured in various sub-frameworks and uses a portfolio approach. An amount equal to the net proceeds of instrument(s) issued under this 2023 Framework will be used to finance and/or refinance, in part or in whole, a portfolio of eligible green assets including renewable energy and green buildings, in accordance with defined eligibility criteria.

In alignment with the ICMA Green Bond Principles (“GBP”), the structure of the Framework follows the four key GBP pillars – use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds, and reporting – and the recommendation of ICMA regarding external review.


Please find below further information in relation to Rabobank's sustainable instruments.

Green bonds outstanding

Overview as at 21 February 2025



Issue dateCall dateMaturi-
ty date

EUR 750mn Green
Non-preferred senior
XS2068969067Oct ’19n/aOct ’26100% to Renewable energy
USD 1,000mn Green
Non-preferred senior
Sep ’20Sep ’25Sep ’26100% to Renewable energy
USD 1,000mn Green
Non-preferred senior
Feb ’21Feb ‘26Feb ’27100% to Renewable energy
EUR 1,250mn Green
Covered bond
XS2722858532Nov ’23n/aNov ’28
100% to Mortgages
EUR 1,500mn Green
Non-preferred senior
XS2860946867July '24July '27July '28100% to Eligible green assets
GBP 400mn Green
Non-preferred senior
XS2921544024Oct '24Apr '28Apr '29100% to Eligible green assets
GBP 500mn Green
Non-preferred senior
Feb '25Nov '29Nov '30100% to Eligible green assets

* Further details per issue can be found in the relevant annual Rabobank Green Instruments Reports (above)

In addition, Rabobank issues green commercial paper (CP), green certificates of deposit (CD), and green wholesale deposits for which it has limits in place. As at 30 June 2024 the combined limit for these instruments is set at EUR 4 billion. These instruments are also issued from the Framework.

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Instruments table

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