Creating opportunities together
Welcome to Rabobank Wholesale Banking
Rabobank Kenya
From our representative office in Nairobi, Rabobank is currently serving Sub-Saharan Africa with corporate banking products and solutions for Food & Agri businesses. Besides, we make impact on rural regions in Africa with the Rabo Foundation, Rabo Rural Fund and Rabo Partnerships. We are active in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Zambia, Mauritius, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Mozambique.

Flourishing partnership with Xpressions Flora
Xpressions Flora Group is a consortium of four flower farms in Kenya, co-owned and chaired by Vimal Shah, a prominent entrepreneur in Kenya and also a member of the Rabobank Africa Food & Agri Advisory Board (FAAB). A partnership, which we are proud to highlight further.

Rabo Foundation
Rabo Foundation is Rabobank’s social fund, investing in the self-sufficiency of farmer organizations all over the world. This helps them to achieve their goals of offering small-scale farmers access to financing, savings opportunities, knowledge, new markets and new technologies. Rabo Foundation Africa is active in Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda.

Rabo Rural Fund
Rabo Rural Fund is Rabobank’s impact lender, providing financing to farmer-producer cooperatives and SMEs all over the world. Organizations that have outgrown grants, micro-credits and soft loans, but do not qualify for a standard bank loan. The Fund is active in Africa in Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.

Rabo Partnerships
Rabo Partnerships focusses on broadening the access to financial service. The main activities can be summarized by three main themes: financial inclusion, rural development and food security. We do this with advisory, consultancy and through our 10 partner banks across Africa.
International Desk Africa
Protect yourself against surprises when you do business abroad. Our International Desks are at your service worldwide, providing support for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. We have an established network of banks in Africa. Rabobank’s local contacts and our knowledge of local markets and regulations open up potential and opportunities for our customers in Africa.
Want to know more about your opportunities?
Whether you want to import, export, start up a business in another country or simply manage your international cash flow, our support will save you time and money and let you focus on your business. Wouter Kool and his team can support you with their knowledge of the local markets.
Rabobank Nairobi Office Address
Delta Corner Tower, 17th Floor
Waiyaki Way
Rabobank Nairobi Postal Address
P.O. Box 1105-00606