Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Mumbai Branch
Following a strategic review of its business in India, Rabobank Group has taken the difficult decision to close its Mumbai branch after more than 2 decades of Rabobank presence in the country. This has been announced on November 15th, 2021.

Rabobank Group to close Mumbai branch
The closing of the Mumbai branch will take place over the coming years in a phased manner. The bank’s priority is to ensure that the changes are implemented in a manner which will minimize disruption to our clients and our staff. The bank is actively working with regulators to execute its plan and is planning to redeploy employees in other businesses where possible.
Announcement 22 October 2024
Transfer of outstanding Authorised Dealer responsibilities of Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Mumbai Branch to HDFC Bank Limited Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Mumbai Branch (“Rabobank India Branch”) is in the process of closing its Indian banking operations. To ensure a seamless customer experience during this process, Rabobank India Branch has joined hands with HDFC Bank Limited (“HDFC Bank”). To facilitate such closure of its banking operations in India, the Authorised Dealer (“AD”) responsibilities for all outstanding ECB, BOE, ORM, IRM and Shipping bill transactions (“In-Scope Entries”) pending for closure in the AD Code of Rabobank India Branch will be transferred to HDFC Bank with effect from 25th October 2024 (the “Closing Date”). Subsequent to the Closing Date, all inquiries or correspondence related to In-Scope Entries shall be made to HDFC Bank. Impacted clients will be informed about the same in writing. Should you have any questions in this regard please contact Rabobank India Branch at: Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Mumbai Branch, 6th Floor, Peninsula Towers, Peninsula Corporate Park, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013 and HDFC Bank at HDFC BANK LTD, Trade Finance Operations, Zenith House, 2nd Floor, Opp Race Course Gate No. 5 & 6, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400034.
कोऑपरेिटव राबोबœक यू.ए., मुंबई शाखा के बकाया अिधकृ त डीलर उȅरदाियȕों का एचडीएफसी बœक िलिमटेड को हˑांतरण कोऑपरेिटव राबोबœक यू.ए. मुंबई शाखा राबोबœक इंिडया शाखा") अपने भारतीय बœिकं ग पįरचालन को बंद करने की ŮिŢया मŐ है। इस ŮिŢया के दौरान Ťाहकों को सहज अनुभव सुि निʮत करने के िलए राबोबœक इंिडया शाखा ने एचडीएफसी बœक िलिमटेड एचडीएफसी बœक") के साथ हाथ िमलाया है। भारत मŐ अपने बœिकं ग पįरचालन को बंद करने की सुिवधा के िलए, राबोबœक इंिडया शाखा के एडी कोड मŐ बंद होने के िलए लंिबत सभी बकाया ईसीबी बीओई ओआरएम आईआरएम और िशिपंग िबल लेनदेन इन-ˋोप Ůिविʼयाँ") के िलए अिधकृ त डीलर एडी") की िज़ʃेदाįरयाँ 25 अƃू बर 2024 ("समापन ितिथ") से एचडीएफसी बœक को हˑांतįरत कर दी जाएँ गी। समापन ितिथ के बाद इन- ˋोप Ůिविʼयों से संबंिधत सभी पूछताछ या पũाचार एचडीएफसी बœक को िकए जाएँ गे। Ůभािवत Ťाहकों को इसकी िलİखत सूचना दी जाएगी। यिद आपके पास इस संबंध मŐ कोई Ůʲ हो तो कृ पया राबोबœक इंिडया शाखा से संपकŊ करŐ: कोऑपरेिटव राबोबœक यू.ए. मुंबई शाखा वीं मंिजल पेिननसुला टावसŊ पेिननसुला कॉपŖरेट पाकŊ लोअर परेल मुंबई- और एचडीएफसी बœक से एचडीएफसी बœक िलिमटेड टŌेड फाइनŐस ऑपरेशंस जेिनथ हाउस दू सरी मंिजल रेसकोस गेट नंबर और के सामने महालƘी मुंबई 400034 पर संपकŊ करŐ।
Announcement 15 November 2021
Following a strategic review of its business in India, Rabobank Group has taken the difficult decision to close its Mumbai branch after more than two decades of Rabobank presence in the country. The decision is in line with the group’s strategy to simplify and enhance the operating model whilst growing its Wholesale Banking activities in several markets including Asia.
The closing of the Mumbai branch will take place over the coming years in a phased manner. The bank’s priority is to ensure that the changes are implemented in a manner which will minimize disruption to our clients and our staff. The bank is actively working with regulators to execute its plan and is planning to redeploy employees in other businesses where possible.
Rabobank Foundation in India
Through the Rabobank Foundation, Rabobank pursues its objectives to make a difference in the world by helping smallholder farmers in developing countries including India to build a better life. Stronger farmer organizations are key to providing growth opportunities to underserved populations. That’s where we can make the greatest positive change happen.